
  • Marina Cerqueira Marinho
  • Martinho Isnard Ribeiro de Almeida


Education, Identity, Mentoring, Management, Social Welfare


The mentoring is a that is essential for education and social welfare. The international literature realizes an intensive development in in the first two decades of the 20th century. This research aims to highlight a systematic review of the most cited articles published in international journals during the period from 1949 to 2021. The design research consists in a mix method, quantitative and qualitative. The sample consists of 1321 scientific articles in business and management field. The results show an intensive growth in 2020 and the results of the review are then synthesized into a theoretical framework. The framework developed here posits mentoring relates to resources, organizational and identity. The United States and UK has the biggest number of publications. Moreover, Furthermore, there are opportunities for growth in production in other countries. Australia, Canada, France, China, and India also present publications. The article presents the ten most productive and cited authors and highlight an analysis of the most relevant keyword, as well as synthetized clusters. 

This work provides a novel, comprehensive framework for future examinations of the connections between mentoring, education, and welfare.  and mentoring. It synthesizes the prior work on this topic by integrating findings from the management into a single framework.

Keywords – Education, Identity, Mentoring, Management, Social Welfare.


Biografia do Autor

Marina Cerqueira Marinho

Master of Science in administration from the University of São Paulo (2022).

Martinho Isnard Ribeiro de Almeida

Master’s degree in administration from the University of São Paulo (1985), PhD in Administration from the University of São Paulo (1995) and Professorship in Administration from the University of São Paulo (2004). He is currently an associate professor at the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accounting at the University of São Paulo-FEA / USP.


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